Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What is Age?

     I do not know of a bible verse that can back up what I want to say in my post, but I will say the rummaging thoughts that I have concerning the view on age.
     Allow me to start off with saying that I do respect those who are older in spirit, not just physical appearance. However, I have heard so many of those who have seen many years upon this Earth talk about how they are too old to do something and how the world is not what it used to be.

     It is true, the world is not how it once was, but I do recall the Bible speaking of change and the continuing of Life on Earth. We are told that the best way for us to stay in the continuing is simply to accept change, to trust that God has a way in whatever change we face in our world. For how can we not trust in God and still keep going with change? The moment you refuse change is the moment you admit to no trust in God. In that moment, your soul becomes stuck in the mud and the world will turn its back upon you.
     As for your age, I believe that God does not look at how many years you have spent upon this Earth. He sees your Soul, He sees what you are fully capable of and once you place your full trust in God, in His son The Messiah, He will show you the goodness in change. He will guide you to use what you know to take the change and make it better.
    I don't know how it happens and I never ask why, but God will work His plans through all who trust in Him. I pray that you, my reader, will trust God as you go through whatever change you are facing at whatever "age" you are currently in.
    On a personal note, I do forget how many years I have lived on Earth.

    As for my comic, still on the scripting stage but I am also working on floor plans for the buildings in the Kingdom I start off in and drawing up character sketches. As I script, I keep gaining more characters to sketch, minor or main. I am also working on editing my script while I type it up onto my computer.

    I pray you'll forgive how rough my writing is, there is a reason I do more than just one draft when it comes to my comic. Yay editing! Please check on me on Sunday to see how far I have gotten in my comic. I estimate another month before I can begin sketching panels. Eheheheh......

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