Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Mother's Beginning to a Dream

"In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth" Gen 1:1

     When I was just a budding artist in my teen years, I held this one obsession that's been through my ups and downs of life. As it happens with most teens, my obsession was looked down upon by a lot of adults, parents included. My obsession was so strong that it was the greatest distraction from school and a rather lonely home life. Even better, my obsession made it down right difficult for my parents to even ground me.
     What is this obsession I continue to refer to?
     Comic Books
     It didn't even stop at comic books, I even enjoyed books filled to the brim of plots and characterization and beautiful words that could describe the greatest landscapes and still leave room for imagination to fill in the details. I even recall the very first book that drew upon my imagination, a book that so many in this world have already enjoyed and further into the world who will also enjoy.
     "Harry Potter" by J.K. Rowling was my first love in the world of stories. From there, I went from Robotech and Sailormoon to Mangas (now referred to as Graphic Novels) and Comic Books. I was constantly flipping from one world to another. I didn't care if it was through a television show or movie, through the words of an author or even through the art and wording of comics. If there was a story, I was there. I even went through chat rooms, seeking out others to play out scenes of some story.
     Through out all of these stories, I had been practicing drawing and making stories. It is why I loved comics of any kind, two things I love put in one binding of pages.
     I did attend college with a vague idea to do something in art, but at the time the vague idea did not stand up to the pressure of college. After failing quite a few classes that should have been relatively easy for me, I dropped out and gained my first ever job in the world of retail. At that time, I was twenty years old.
     Upon the age of twenty-two, I met my amazing husband through our mutual friend. Life continued to push me, revealing to me many more stories while my own story blossomed still.
     For my twenty-fourth birthday I found out that we were going to bring one to the world from our two beings. My son is a wonderful boy, growing and learning so many things that watching this unfold is a true treat for me.
     Though Life had taken a toll upon my drawing and story making, I had set it behind me as I gave attention to Life. I did doodle from time to time, but I ignored my skill so that my son and husband could have the higher priority. As a child of God, I do shamefully admit that I even placed my time with God further back.
     When my twenty-sixth birthday rolled around, I could no longer ignore God or the skills in which He blessed me with, skills that I love. God brought to my attention that the life He blessed me with is still limited, that I must now take up the pencil and make comic books with Him in the heart of it all.
     This is the Gift blessed upon me, and as I use it to make these stories within me, I pray that they will reach out to others. As I begin anew, I pray that others can watch as I walk upon this rocky road.
     I will be posting every Sunday and Wednesday the progress and struggles of my road to becoming a Comic Book Artist for God with the blessings of God's Will.
     I promise, these comics will be unlike those that have come before in the Christian comic books.