Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Forgetting the Unforgettable

     "But if anyone does not have [virtues], he is near-sighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins." 2 Peter 1:9 (I encourage you to read 2 Peter 1:3-11 for a better understanding of this passage)

     I was baptized when I was just a child, cleansed of the spirit. Yet as time went by and I grew, I still sinned and had done things I'd much rather forget. Even more recent, I have been sinning yet again and feeling so ashamed that my shame became my burden.
     This passage reminds me that I need to turn to the Messiah, My King, ask for forgiveness upon bended knee. I need to strive to live in His word and follow His will. In this way, He will have me forget my sins but remember the virtues in which I must have as a child of God.
     I pray that my works will reach out and touch others. For in time, all good things shall come to pass (though the bad things must come first).

     Concerning that comic itself, I am still working on character sketching but I do have enough characters to begin writing up the story. I have seventy-nine panels planned so far, and one panel fully sketched while another is in the works.
     On top of working on my comic around work and family, I am also doing a commission for a friend. Once I have finished with the sketch, I will post it here for all to see.
     Sketching has always been easy, as it typically takes me an hour or more to do it. Inking and coloring is the challenge, as I have to wait till my son has fallen asleep for the day before I can do anything. Inking takes me approximately two or more hours to do and coloring takes approximately four hours or more to do, and I only have maybe an hour after my son's bedtime to work.
     It really is a challenge, but I love it all the same!

     I pray you will return Sunday for my next post!

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